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Originally from Texas, I am a reader, writer, pseudo-gardener, baker, record collecting student working on my Ph.D. in the Midwest.

Thursday, January 6

Being an 80's kid

I read an article today which made me pretty sad.

The article is about the things which babies born in 2011 won't know or care about.

Things like maps, pictures in frames, landlines, film, the written word - both books and letters, and watches. They won't understand the frustration and adrenaline that comes from arguing something which is mundane and no one can actually look up. And there won't be separation of home and work. They also won't ever actually hear dial up. Or, "You've Got Mail!"*

But, it makes me sad.  I love my giant US map that has stars by where the husband and I have traveled. I love the frames we have with photos of friends and family in them... and the photos which are tucked away in books and in the corner of mirror, tacked on my office wall and hung with magnets on the 'fridge.

I love books. We have 4 bookshelves full and I stock up at the library constantly. I love the way the smell, feel, and look. I like the way it feels when I crack open a brand new book and dive into a story. A Kindle or iPad will never give me that.

I just mailed out New Year's Cards and Christmas Thank you notes. I wrote a letter to a dear friend and tossed it in the mailbox on my way to dropping off the husband at work. In fact I have a goal (not a resolution, mind you) to write more handwritten notes to people. Love notes, if you will. In fact, if you would like one, click on that "love notes" tab and email me. I will gladly send you one.

I got a Diana for Christmas and just left the film at the developers to see what came of it all. I love that I have no fricken idea what I took or how they will turn out. There's mystery in that.

I adore my new Canon which leaves no mystery but takes amazing photos that I dump on my hard drive. And watches. Oooo watches. I own 6 that I rotate daily. I love them. I hate looking at my phone for the time; I kind of think it's rude, if I'm honest.

And the separation of home and work just breaks my heart. When we moved here for my program, I promised the husband that I wouldn't bring work home.  We've made some concessions, especially during finals, but I have kept that promise. It stemmed from people repeatedly telling me that ~70% of people who are married in graduate school end up divorced.

Why thank you for that cheeriness and now I'm going to ignore you.

Either way, keeping work at work and home at home has been beneficial for us because when I'm home, I'm home and paying attention to our life here. And when I'm working, I'm working and paying attention to that part of my life. I really feel for people who won't be able to, through choice or the type of job or whatever, separate their home and work.

Now, I won't knock technology, mind you. I miss landlines, but it's nice to only give out one number. And boy do I love flickr, and facebook, blogger, and reader. I do love technology, in a lot of ways.

However, I so hate to see stuff I adore become obsolete.

*Side note: My parents and I used to collect those AOL discs.


Heather said...

I read that article this morning, too! I agree with you on so many of these things (handwritten notes and real books, especially). One point that I particularly liked was how you feel that it's rude to check your phone for the time. I mainly agree (although at times, looking at your watch is equally as rude, haha), but the thing is, this generation will never understand that. This same article talks about these babies won't know how to talk to just one person at a time. This generation is not being taught proper social etiquette, or how to socialize at all, outside of technologies advances.

Meganithappen said...

I totally agree! I miss polaroids. That was like the digital camera of the 70's. (I like film cameras about that moment when you'd be quickly shuffling through the pics you just got developed and then...then...there it is. That photo that you LOVE and take with you wherever you go.)

Sigh. *tear.*

Nicole said...

@Heather: Yes, yes yes!

@Megan: I so agree. There's something about that shot that just touches you and you're like, "oh yeah. That's the one." I love that.