Nice to Meet You

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Originally from Texas, I am a reader, writer, pseudo-gardener, baker, record collecting student working on my Ph.D. in the Midwest.

Friday, September 9

Take Your Time

It's funny to me how something that I meant to be a short hiatus turned into a break for three months.

I joked at one point that it's interesting how during the school year I can hardly do anything but blog, play on facebook, and hone my Pandora stations, yet during the summer, I hardly keep up with anything but the sun and books.

I typically beat myself up for this, but meh. There's nothing good which come from that.

So, friends who are still paying attention, hello again! It is a pleasure to be back and starting an adventure again.

Wishing you lots of love


Heather said...

I have SOOOOOOO missed your blogs!

Nicole said...

Aw. Thank you Heather!