Nice to Meet You

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Originally from Texas, I am a reader, writer, pseudo-gardener, baker, record collecting student working on my Ph.D. in the Midwest.

Friday, August 6


This was a lot of fun! And, I think you guys should fill out "U" for me!

A is for Age: I'll still be young in December

B is for Body: short and fantastic (remember my challenge for the week?)

C is for Career: perpetual student. loving it

D is for Dad's name: Jerry

E is for Essential items to bring to a party: Chips and Salsa

F is for Favorite song or music: Cop out answer is... totally depends on the day. I wake up with a new song in my head every. morning.

G is for Goof off thing to do: talking with my husband anywhere in the house... or reading.

H is for Hometown: Austin, Texas

I is for Instrument you play: I'm relearning the piano

J is for Jam or Jelly you like: Raspberry Chipotle or Grape!

K is for Kids: Nada

L is for Living arrangement: a fantastic 40's style apartment

M is for Mom's name: Carol

N is for Name of best friend: What a tricky question. Ashton and Lindsey. Plus new best friendships forming

O is for Overnight Stay in a Hospital: tonsils out in '93.

P is for Phobias: well, there's always the failsafe bugs. But seriously? I hate, HATE showers which haven't been used before me.

Q is for Quote you like: Oh man. Let's go with: And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. - Max Ehrmann from Desiderata

R is for Relationship that lasted longest: mine and my parents!

S is for Siblings: a half brother and two brothers-in-law

T is for Texas, ever been? Ummm yes! Miss it all the frickin' time.

U is for Unique trait: you guys should fill this in for me.

V is for vegetable you love: broccoli

W is for Worst traits: umph. being aloof when I first meet people. It gives a terrible impression

X- is for X-rays you've had: wrist when I broke it many, many moons ago.

Y is for Yummy food you make: mmm lots of great sweets

Z is for Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

1 comment:

Chet said...

U: Best smile of anyone I've ever met.