A good, fun party. One with really good food, drinks, laughter, friends, and beautiful decorations.
With a fantastic tablecloth spread over the table and hanging lights.
Candles and pulling out the best wine glasses, just so you can feel special.
The kind where you sit around a table and tell stories and drink a beer or wine and just laugh with each other.
I haven't been to a party like that in ages.
Tomorrow is the official end of summer and beginning of fall. And I just don't think there is a better time to celebrate than that. Aren't those photos magical?
So I've put out the invitation to my local friends.
The only thing is: I don't know if people will show up. I also don't have decorations or really the time to create. I don't know what we would serve for food or where we would find drinks. I don't have a table or chairs to stick in the garden plot, nor do I have a way to hang decorations.
But I want this so bad. I want it because I feel incredibly disconnected from people right now. I feel overwhelmed with work and school, and I feel like I am not creating. I feel like I'm not doing a good enough job and I am having serious doubts about what I'm doing right now. So, I want this.
And I'm going to do it.
If it's just me and Chet, then we will have amazing hor d'oeuvres to eat and great wine and beer to drink. If people come, then it will just be that much better. I just need to keep that thought.

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