At this time last week, I was getting ready to take pictures with Lindsey who is one of my nearest and dearest friends. We've known each other for 10ish years now, and she's one of those people who has just always had my back. She's always just accepted me for whatever I was and am with no questions asked. She has just loved me. And I am forever grateful for that.
But! On March 11th, she married her best friend Bryce. Basically, I just want to show you pictures and talk about it, because I can.
Lindsey gifted each of her bridesmaids hair dos from a salon, which was awesome. It meant that we didn't have to do it ourselves, which I totally appreciated. My hair is at an awkward length and I don't know what the heck to do with it, so I was grateful.
Lindsey did a gorgeous updo with lots of curls and a ponytail thing. Her hair is baby fine thin hair -- it's gorgeous but requires liquid cement and bobby pins to keep it up. But, it stayed which is what matters.
We had a constant stream of food which was also awesome. However, while I was putting on Lindsey's nails, I wouldn't let her eat. So, the Maid of Honor (Jessica) stepped up and did her duty of feeding the bride. Someone had to do it.
Lindsey also used Cinderella as a way to hang out and wait while I did Jessica's make-up. We were sequestered to this back room and there wasn't a whole lot to do. But singing mice seems to handle her nerves (which were already pretty non-existent).

After I finished all of our make up, it was time for Lindsey to put on her gorgeous white dress. There was some whining about cold hands and a hug in the middle, but we got it on. And then I got to put her veil in her hair which was so cool. And she looked gorgeous.
Then it was time for the posed professional photos. Lindsey and Bryce opted to not do a First Look, so there was a lot of wheedling to keep them from seeing each other. Thanks to a really, really intense and scary wedding coordinator, there was absolutely no chance of that happening.
And then it was 7pm and it was time for Lindsey to marry her love. The night before, I about lost it when I watched her rehearsing. I mean, really. And I was no better when we were standing waiting outside. I saw her dad, who I have always called Mr. Smith, waiting to walk his daughter down the aisle and I thought, "Oh my God.... I don't know if I can not cry during this..."
And I barely did it. He walked her down the aisle and put her hand in Bryce's and it was beautiful. And I was so, so happy for her.
The next moment where I was about positive that I would lose it was when they were wrapped in a quilt. See, I made that quilt. And the husband and I did a quilt wrapping in
our wedding ceremony. What is that saying, the best form of flattery is copying? Something like that. And that's totally how I felt.
Everyone will be pleased to know that I didn't cry. My chin wobbled, but I wasn't that bawling bridesmaid, which is probably good.
After they got married, there was an awesome dessert reception with ice cream sundaes, delicious juices, fruit and cheese. It was tasty and fun. And then of course there were awesome wedding cakes. Lindsey surprised Bryce with an Xbox 360 Cake and she had a beautiful star cake that a friend made for her.
It was all so very beautiful and I feel so lucky to have been a part of it.
I wish Bryce and Lindsey nothing but all the happiness in the world.